29.05.2010 |
In Tolyatti (Russia),at 2-x All-Russia exhibitions of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, our sonny was exposed and has received an estimation -
2хOtlichno-1,2хCW, 2хThe Best Junior, 2хBOB, Pride of Russia-1, Pride of Russia-2 Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
23.05.2010 |
In Novosibirsk (Russia), at the All-Russia show of dogs of all breeds, under examination Perevedentsevoj in an intermediate class, acted our daughter Deneb-Kejtos Terra Inkognita и получила оценки -
Children of Tamerlana and the Prima donna have received the nicknames and brands, here to kids of 45 days:
02.05.2010 |
In Samara (Russia),at the International show of dogs of all breeds, under examination Dorote Karoll (Ireland), in a class of juniors, our sonny was exposed and has received an estimation -
Otlichno-1, CW, The Best Junior Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
25.04.2010 |
In Germany (Lingen),at the International show of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, our daughters debuted and have received estimations -
Otlichno-2, RJVDH, RJCAC Dusha Devitsa iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
Otlichno-4 Dobroslava Krasa iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
24.04.2010 |
In Samara (Russia), at the All-Russia show of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, our sonny debuted and has received an estimation -
Otlichno-1, CW, The Best Junior ,BOB, Pride of Russia-1, BIG-2 Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
The first photosession in racks of children of Tamerlana and the Primadonna, here to kids of 30 days:
11.04.2010 |
In Moscow,at two shows of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, our daughter Deneb-Kejtos Tsarina Lott acted and has received estimations -
Otlichno-1, 2хCW, 2хJCAC, the Best Junior of Breed, BOB, Hope of Russia-1, Pride of Russia-3, BIG-4
10.04.2010 |
In Novosibirsk , at the All-Russia show of dogs of all breeds, under examination of Gorbachevsky in an intermediate class, our daughter Deneb-Kejtos Terra Inkognita acted and has received estimations -
Otlichno-1,CW,CAC, BOS, Ch.RFLS, BOB
Photos of some children of Tamerlana and the Primadonna, here to kids three weeks:
04.04.2010 |
In Moscow ,at the Regional show of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, acted our daughterDeneb-Kejtos Tsarina Lott and has received estimations -
Otlichno-1, CW, JCAC, the Best Junior of Breed
03.04.2010 |
In Moscow ,at the Regional show of dogs of all breeds, under examination Shankov K. (Bulgaria), in a class of juniors, acted our daughter Deneb-Kejtos Tsarina Lott and has received estimations -
Otlichno-1, CW, JCAC, the Best Junior of Breed
Photos of some children of Tamerlana and the Primadonna, here to kids two weeks:
20.03.2010 |
In Poland ,at the International show of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, our sonny Deneb-Kejtos Tsarist Cortes acted and has received an estimation -
20.03.2010 |
In Novosibirsk (Russia),at the International show of dogs of all breeds, in a class of champions,acted Tamerlan Khan Dlja Sibirscogo Medvedya and has received an estimation -
The photos of children of Tamerlana and the Primadonna, here to kids 7 days:
The photos of children of Tamerlana and the Primadonna, here to kids 5 days:
Photos of children of Tamerlana and Adelaide, age 2 months. These children still search for the MUMS and DADDIES!!!
Daurija Krasa Sibiri
Doroteya Dikovinka Sibirskaya
Dzhakonda Dostoyanie Respubliki
Dzhemma Cnernaja Zhemchuzhina
The first photos of children of Tamerlana and the Primadonna, here to kids 1 days:
16.03.2010 |
At Tamerlana Khana for the Siberian Bear and Primadonna Sibiri s Bosfora Vostochnogo were born:
9 male и 2 female!!!
13.03.2010 |
In Saratov (Russia) ,at the Monopedigree show, under examination of madam Shvets, in a class of puppies, our sonny Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny has again won and has received estimations -
the Big prospect, the Best Puppy
Photos of children of Tamerlana and Adelaide, age of 45 days. These children still search for the MUMS and DADDIES!!! Photos of other children can be looked on their individual pages.
Photos of children of Tamerlana and Adelaide, 30 days:
14.02.2010 |
In Tolyatti (Russia) ,at 2 Regional show of dogs of all breeds, in a class of puppies, our sonny Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny has again won and has received estimations -
the Big prospect, the Best Puppy and on one of show became the Best Puppy of the Show
14.02.2010 |
In Irkutsk (Russia),at the All-Russia show of dogs of all breeds, in a class of puppies, debuted our daughter Ditta Dobrodeya iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny and has received an estimation -
the Big prospect-2
13.02.2010 |
In Poland ,at the International exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, acted and our sonny Deneb-Kejtos Tsarist Cortes has won and has received estimations -
Otlichno-1, СW, the Best Junior
The first photos of children of Tamerlana and Adelaide:
25.01.2010 |
Pictures of joints of daughter Tamerlana are made -
Dobroslave Krase iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
16.01.2010 |
At Tamerlana Khana for the Siberian Bear and Adelaidy were born:
4 male и 6 female!!!
06.12.2009 |
In Omsk (Russia),at the Regional Show of dogs of all breeds, in an open class under Lashkova A.I.'s examination, was exposed - Adelaida (Yunker s Zolotogo Grada х Sibirski Medved Igrushka iz Chernoi Druzhiny) and has received estimations - perfectly-1, CW, CAC,BOS, BOB
In Omsk (Russia),at the All-Russia Show of dogs of all breeds, in an open class under Trofimova V. D's examination, was exposed - Adelaida (Yunker s Zolotogo Grada х Sibirski Medved Igrushka iz Chernoi Druzhiny) and has received estimations -
perfectly-1, CW, CAC,BOS, BOB, Ch.RFSS. Has closed a title the CHAMPION of Russia.
29.11.2009 |
In Tomsk (Russia),at the Regional Show of dogs of all breeds, in an open class under examination Stalnovoj, was exposed one more wife Tamerlana - Adelaide (Yunker s Zolotogo Grada х Sibirski Medved Igrushka iz Chernoi Druzhiny) and has received estimations - perfectly-1, CW, CAC,BOS, KCh.ОАNКОО
15.11.2009 |
15.11.2009 |
In Poland ,at the International exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class of puppies, debuted and our sonny Deneb-Kejtos Tsarist Cortes has won and has received estimations -
the Big prospect, the Best Puppy!!! And also has won BEST in SHOW
01.11.2009 |
In Tolyatti (Russia),at the All-Russia exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class Bebbi, our sonny has again won and has received estimations -
the Big prospect, Best Bebbi Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
25.10.2009 |
In Samara (Russia),at the Regional exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class Bebbi, our sonny has again won and has received estimations -
the Big prospect, Best Bebbi Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
24.10.2009 |
In Tolyatti (Russia),at the All-Russia exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class Bebbi, under J.Gavrilovoj's examination, our sonny debuted and has received an estimation -
the Big prospect, Best Bebbi Danila Knyaz Rusi Iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny
Children of Tamerlana and the Tsar Devitsa iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny receive family trees RKF with a mark "Perfect cultivation"!!!
Our daughter of Dobroslavy Krasy iz Angarskoi Jemchujiny had a site while certainly the information on it has not enough, but it and itself still small, the Slava will grow up also a site together with it! The reference to a site:
04.10.2009 |
04.10.2009 |
In Novosibirsk (Russia) ,at the All-Russia exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, under examination of Kupljauskas Е has received estimations -
perfectly-1, CW, САСjun, the Best Junior, BOB, BIG-3 Deneb-Kejtos Terra Inkognita
20.09.2009 |
20.09.2009 |
In Novosibirsk (Russia), at the Regional exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, under examination Bug (Belarus), Deneb-Kejtos Terra Inkognita has received -
perfectly, CW, JСАС
And at the All-Russia exhibition of dogs of all breeds, in a class of juniors, under examination Slukina С (Ukraine), Deneb-Kejtos Terra Inkognita has received - perfectly, CW, JСАС
06.09.2009 |
In Moscow (Russia) at two exhibitions has caused a stir again daughter Tamerlana Deneb-Kejtos Tsarina Lott.
It again became 2 best bebi breeds!!!
06.09.2009 |
In Novosibirsk (Russia), in a class of juniors, under examination by Gerasimovoj M. Deneb-Kejtos Terra Inkognita has received -
perfectly,CW, JСАС
30.08.2009 |
In Moscow (Russia) at two exhibitions has caused a stir daughter Tamerlana Deneb-Kejtos Tsarina Lott.
It became 2 best bebi breeds!
29.08.2009 |
At two regional exhibitions in Novosibirsk (Russia), in a class of juniors, under examination of judges Terentevoj T.G. and Kuznetsovoj M. P has received the first estimations -
perfectly - 2, Deneb-Kejtos Terra Inkognita
Photos of children Tamerlana and TSAR DEVITSA IZ ANGARSKOI JEMCHUJINY, age on a photo 1 month:
Новые фотографии деток Тамерлана и Царь Девицы из АЖ:
The first photos of children Tamerlana and TSAR DEVITSA IZ ANGARSKOI JEMCHUJINY:
On July, 11th 2009 in a to Moscow at a monopedigree exhibition under examination Sedih, debuted in a class bebi, daughter Tamerlana and Deneb-Kejtos Nimfi Lesnoj Krasavitsy - Deneb-Kejtos Tsarina Lott!
The Estimation at an exhibition: Greater prospect - 2 !!!
On july, 10th 2009g at Tamerlana Khana for the Siberian Bear and TSAR DEVITSA IZ ANGARSKOI JEMCHUJINY were born:
3 male and 6 female !!!
On june, 27th 2009г results of tests on displazii TSAR DEVITSA IZ ANGARSKOI JEMCHUJI!
HD - A, ED - 0!!!
Photos of children Tamerlana and Tsaregradskaya Krasa. Age of 40 days!!!
On May, 4th 2009g at Tamerlana Khana for the Siberian Bear and Deneb-Kejtos Tsaregradskaya Krasa were born:
1 male и 1 female !!!
New photos of children Tamerlana and Nimfi. Age of 45 days!!!
New photos of children Tamerlana and Nimfi. Age of 30 days!!!
New photos of children Tamerlana and Nimfi. Age of 3 weeks!!!
On March, 11th 2009g at Tamerlana Khana for the Siberian Bear and Deneb-Kejtos Nimfi Lesnoj Krasavitsy puppies were born
3 sons and 2 daughters!!!
The February 7 2009 year on mono pedigree to exhibition in Novosibirsk, Tamerlan has got SW worker of the class, SS. The Expert Repina L.
Tamerlan Champion NKP and Grandee-champion has closed titles!!!
On December, 2nd 2008г have received the international certificate on dysplasia!!!
On November, 26th 2008 g at Tamerlana Khana for the Siberian Bear and Deneb-Kejtos Eve Altajskoj Krasavitsy the daughter was born!!!
The September 20 2008 year on mono pedigree to exhibition in Barnaule, Tamerlan has got SW worker of the class, SS. The Expert Ivanischeva V.P.